Our main product groups are hydraulic- and pneumatic seals, oil-seals, O-rings, V-seals, protection caps, custom moulded parts and special seals. The biggest seal stock in Scandinavia with nearly 30 000 items, wide distribution network, efficient logistics and flexible production unit enable quick and flexible deliveries.
We can offer to our customer technical support, engineering service and high quality products from well known manufacturers. As a seal specialist Tiivistekeskus has good know-how and 50 years experience in sealing business.
Business Concept
- To provide a complete program of quality seals for all sealing applications
- To offer products that give the customer optimal function and economy
- To contribute with technical support
- To act as a warehousekeeper for our customers
Terms of sale
- Terms of payment: By agreement
- Delivery terms: Free our stock, excluding shipping and packaging. In other respects, Swedish terms of sale NL 17, Orgalime S2000 are applied.